We just finished our winter growing in our high tunnel, it is 12′ X 56′ and things grew much better than I was expecting. Its amazing how much came through the winter with just a little protection from the elements. In fact we still have some large arugula plants and some Mizuna growing that was planted last October. Everything else was removed getting ready for spring planting. At the moment, the spinach has germinated and a lot of lettuce mix has been planted.
We updated the website, adding a section that spotlights our microgreens. We have been working on a lot of new varieties and are hoping to add some more wholesale microgreen customers. It nice being able to be in the brightly lit indoor grow area in the winter and seeing all the green stuff growing.
We have also found two acres to grow on this year along with one of the quarter acre plots we grew on last year. That smaller plot will be about half flowers, half vegetables. We will still be attending the Rosendale Farmer’s market this year along with starting a CSA and hopefully adding a second farmer’s market to the mix.